
2010-08-17 6:56 pm

回答 (1)

2010-08-17 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Be patient : They always bide their tme to collect information
regardless of capricious weather.

2. Bring someone instant or long lasting fame because
they are apt at making news and fabricating stories.

3. Help promote commercial products

4. Cater for some audience's interest

1. Always infringe upon someone's privacy.

2. Hurt someone easily: They like reveal someone's scandals
disgraceful issues through magazines.

3. The words which they use to write stories are exaggerating
and acerbic.

2010-08-17 11:42:20 補充:
2. Hurt someone easily: They like reveal someone's scandals,
disgraceful issues through magazines.

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