
2010-08-17 7:57 am
人類的物理學, 是否只適用於地球?還是函括全宇宙?

回答 (4)

2010-08-18 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
No. This is still unknown based on present scientific knowledge.

Modern science has been developed for just over 400~500 years or so. The universe is of age about 15 billion years. Whether the laws of physics, especially those physical constants, like the Universal Gravitational Constant, are really the same long time ago as what we have observed at present remains a mystery. Physicists believe that the Universal Gravitational Constant might not have the same value as present long time ago. Equally are the funfamental physical constants, like the Planck's Constant (that plays an important role in quantum mechanics), fine structure constant (that characterizing electromagentic interaction), or the speed of light (an important parameter in Relativity Theories). If these constants were of different values in the past, or they have spatial variation,. then all laws of physics would be completely changed.

With the discovery of dark matter and dark energy in the last two decades, and which account for about 96% of all the energy-matter in the Universe, whether the laws of physics that we use today are applicable to explain these mysteries remains a puzzle.

2010-08-18 6:47 am
2010-08-17 11:25 pm
有些的原理可能只適用於某特定條件下(如: 地球),但當然有的是函括全宇宙 ,如Newton's law 牛頓定律.
2010-08-17 10:04 am

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