Adverb 的位置...

2010-08-17 3:33 am
(a) They shout angrily at each other
(b) They shot at each other angrily

回答 (4)

2010-08-17 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Both of them are correct, some of the adverbs can be placed at the beginning of the sentence, the middle of the sentence or the end of the sentence.

2010-08-16 19:42:43 補充:
Give you some example:

I (+adverb) work hard in getting a job done.

eg: I never work hard in getting a job done.
eg: I always work hard in getting a job done.

I (+adverb) have something interesting to say.

eg: When I see a good chance coming, I can (+adverb) make good use of it.

2010-08-16 19:42:50 補充:
I (+adverb) let those who care about me down.
I (+adverb) find it difficult to prepare well for test and exams.
I can (+adverb) pull my self together when I feel down.

2010-08-16 21:36:24 補充:
Give you some example:
1. 有些單詞既是副詞,亦是形容詞。當屬於不同詞類時,意義

He studies hard for the test.

Stone is hard.

This is a hard question.

2010-08-16 21:36:42 補充:
* "hard"屬副詞時,解作「勤力」;屬形容詞時,解作「硬」、「難」。

You speak English very well.
不能說:"You speak English very good."因為"good"是形容詞,不能
He is well.


2010-08-16 21:36:55 補充:
2. 同一個副詞放於句中的不同位置,則所形容的對象會有不同,


He did not die happily.
Happily he did not die.


2010-08-16 21:37:11 補充:
3. 當表示時間和地點的副詞同時在句中靠緊出現時,地點副詞

He will go there tomorrow.
She will come here tonight.

2010-08-16 21:37:22 補充:
4. "very"這個副詞可以用來形容形容詞及其他副詞,但不能

The teacher is very kind.
I love you very. ﹝錯﹞

I very love you. ﹝錯﹞
I love you very much. ﹝對﹞

I much love you. ﹝對﹞

2010-08-16 21:38:29 補充:

2010-08-16 21:39:58 補充:
5. 表示事情出現次數多少的副詞,稱為「頻率副詞」Adverb of
頻率副詞 % 意義相當的短語
always 總是 100 % all of the time
usually 通常 - most of the time
often 時常 - much of the time
- 50 % -
sometimes 有時 - some of the time
seldom 很少 - hardly ever
never 從不 0 % not ever

2010-08-16 21:40:11 補充:

He always comes here for lunch.
He usually comes here for lunch.

He often comes here for lunch.
He sometimes comes here for lunch.

He seldom comes here for lunch.

He never comes here for lunch.

2010-08-16 21:40:39 補充:

(1) 在主語後面:
He always comes here for lunch.

(2) 在主語前面:
Usually he comes here for lunch.

(3) 在一般動詞後面:
She is sometimes late.

(4) 在助動詞與一般動詞之間:
She can sometimes walk to school.

2010-08-16 21:40:51 補充:

once, twice, three times, four times …

I visit my parents once in a week.
I visit my parents twice in a week.

I visit my parents three times in a week.

I visit my parents four times in a week.

2010-08-16 21:41:08 補充:
6. 表示疑問的副詞,稱「疑問副詞」Interrogative Adverb。
有:when, where, why, how。


When do you go?
I go tomorrow.

Where do you go?
I go to Hong Kong.
Why do you go?
I go to visit my parents.
How do you go?
I go by bus.

2010-08-16 21:43:00 補充:
參考: Hope I can help you
2010-08-17 5:41 am
Both of your sentences mean the same but it is better to put adverb right after the verb as below.

(a) They shout angrily at each other.
(b) They shot angrily at each other,

2010-08-17 3:52 am
你寫的a 或 b 也沒錯,甚至可寫作:
Angrily, they shout at each other.
They angrily shout at each other.也一些文法上也沒錯。
參考: nil
2010-08-17 3:40 am
There is no difference among two sentences.

Adverbs can either be put before or after a verb.


She dances gracefully. = She gracefully dances.

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