
2010-08-16 8:05 pm
Complete the following passage with simple past, present perfect or past perfect tenses.

Mini-skirts, yoyo, skate-boards or what you (1)________(come) in at one point or another in the past, they may (2)_____(have) their heyday but they somehow (3)______(go) out at the end because they are passing fads. The same cannot be said of pop music. Pop music is always there, providing an inexpensive form of entertainment for the people.

In the sixties and seventies, English pop songs which (4)____ mainly ____(import) from the United States and England (5)_______(monopoly) the market. The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Elton John, Simon and Garfunkel and many others (6)______(become) household words. Their records (7)_______(sell) extremely well. In the local scene, a lot of young people (8)______(team) up and (9)______(form) pop groups of their own because there was an atmosphere of learning foreign language at that time. Many students (10)_____(make) a point of learning English in order to understand and to sing pop songs.

In the early eighties, Cantonese pop songs (11)______(emerge) as a formidable rival to English pop songs. Today, there is hardly anyone who (12)_______(nothear) of Alan Tam, Roman Tam, Anita Mui, and so forth. Cantonese pop songs were popular because Cantonese is the vernacular of the local people.

回答 (2)

2010-08-16 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Chak Long:
1) had come
2) have had
3) went
4) were------imported
5) monopolized( or monopolised)
6) had become
7) sold
8) teamed
9) formed
10) had made
11) emerged
12) has not heard
參考: nil
2010-08-16 10:05 pm
功課應該係要自己諗 不如我比個中文意思你 你再自己諗下

完成下面一段話簡單的過去,現在或過去完成tenses.mini完善,裙子,溜溜球,滑板板或你(1 )________(來)在在一個點或另一個在過去,他們可能(2 )_____ (有)他們的鼎盛時期,但不知何故(3 )______(去)已在其結束,因為他們是一時的流行。同樣不能說的流行音樂。流行音樂總是存在的,提供一種廉價的娛樂形式為 people.in 60和70年代,英國流行的歌曲(4 )____主要____(進口)由美國和英國(5 )_______(壟斷)市場。甲殼蟲樂隊,滾石樂隊,埃爾頓約翰,西蒙和加芬克爾和許多其他人(6 )______(成為)家喻戶曉。他們的紀錄(7 )_______(賣出)非常好。在當地現場,很多年輕人(8 )______(隊)和(9 )______(形式)流行音樂團體,因為他們自己有一個學習外語的氣氛在那個時間。許多學生(10 )_____(作出)1點學習英語,以便了解和唱流行songs.in 80年代初期,粵語流行曲(11 )______(出現)作為一個強大的競爭對手,英國流行的歌曲。今天,人們幾乎沒有人誰(12 )_______( nothear)的譚詠麟,羅文,梅艷芳,等等。粵語流行曲的受歡迎,因為廣東話是方言的當地人。
參考: me

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