紅酒開瓶後要「放氣」, 這動作英文怎說?

2010-08-16 6:42 pm
紅酒開瓶後要「放氣」, 隔十多分鐘至三十分鐘才好喝, 這步驟英文怎說?

兩種講法都好似啱, 但唔知邊樣較 common, 所以交網友投票作選, thanks!

回答 (2)

2010-08-16 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"allowing the wine to breathe"

Should I leave the wine to breathe?
Simply drawing the cork and leaving the bottle to stand for an hour or two before drinking it - 'allowing the wine to breathe' - does virtually nothing towards aerating the wine.
2010-08-16 10:22 pm
參考: nil

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