A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
If thisis the first time you've seen this stop error screen , restart your computer . If this screen appers again , follow these steps :
Disable or uninseall any anti-virus disk defragmentation or backup utilities . Check your hard drive configuration , and check for any updated drivers. Run CHKDSK /F to and then restart your computer.
***STOP : 0X00000024(0X00190203 , 0X898682E8 , 0XC0000102 , 0X00000000)
是中毒嗎 要怎麼處理 和備份資料 詳細拜託!
我是在一次重開機後才變成這樣 是中毒嗎
我是因為電腦變得LAG (遊戲中和影片的速度) 上網倒是還好沒什麼感覺 想說試一下重開機 就變成藍頻了 灰塵我清過了