put up AND put up with

2010-08-16 7:40 am
put up AND put up with 解咩??

You would need to be a saint to put up with her children. <--又係點解?

回答 (2)

2010-08-16 10:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
PUT WITH 有許多解法. 主要如下: (1)  升起(raise) <旗、帆等> ,舉起; 搭             We put  up a flag.(2)  貼<告示等> ,布告 (attach something on a wall, or board so people can see it )             We  put up a notice.(3)  繼續抵抗<作戰> (show great determination to oppose something)  They put up a fight.(4)  上市,出售 (to offer for sale)               She puts  up the house for sale.(5)  整理,收拾 (place in a safe-keeping) We must put up the garden chairs for the winter.(6)  供<某人>住宿,留宿 (to stay in a place for a short time) We put him up for the night.
PUT UP WITH(1)  忍受 (tolerate, bear)           Idon’t know how she puts up with him.
2010-08-16 7:43 am

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