about working holiday ??

2010-08-15 10:52 pm
我想問咩係working holiday ?? 要比$去架ma ??
日本會不會有working holiday?? 去到做野好無$架??
working holiday 係咪要面試...好高要求架 ?? 
有咩地方有working holiday ??同有咩機構會有做架 ? 

回答 (2)

2010-08-16 12:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 全名 :Working Holiday Visa Scheme (WHVS) [工作旅遊簽證計 劃 ]。
2. 目的 :旅遊人仕(18 -30歲青年),可以在旅遊期間,出外打短期工,贃取工資幫補旅費,也可去報讀短期課程。
3. 國家:只有與香港特區政府簽訂協議的國家,才有WHVS,互訂每年名額,只限香港特區護照持有人申請,額滿要等翌年。
包括- 紐西蘭 (最先早在2000年参與的國家)。
澳洲 (20107月1日起,每年名額不切上限)。
愛爾蘭,德國,加拿大,日本 (今年才開始)。
4. 部份國家對申請人,可能要求簡單interview。
5.學歷要求:中三程度 (紐西蘭的要求)。
6. 工作:自己到當地找(大多數都是打散工,如超市,餐館,農場,酒吧等的時薪工)。
7.申請 機構:向個別國家駐港領事舘自己申請。
9. 要比$? (低B問題):自己有錢買機票,初期生活費用,旅遊保險等。
期限:護照通常給你去一年,期滿可再申請extend一年 (唔够癮)。
參考: 我是WHV参加者,曾去澳洲及紐西蘭,幾過癮,開闖人生經歷。
2010-08-17 9:53 pm
I suggest you can search a lots of info of working holiday visa in yahoo search!! Just simple type working holiday visa.

Secondly, Japan is one of countries that you can apply working holiday visa.

For me, I went to Australia, no interview is required during application. Just pass the body check is OK.

No guarantee for job, you definitely find the job by yourself after you arrive the destination. Of course, you are required to search some job agents information in your destination place, so that you at least know how to go the job agent company. Also, you can register (free of charge) in some job agents listed in the countries, they will keep to send you message when they have offers.

I highly recommend you do read & search much information via internet before application of the visa. You seems no idea about the visa. Don't waste the $$$ on application. The application fee is not cheap.

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