英文 一句英文

2010-08-15 2:36 pm
he snag too well to belive he was not " playback "

他唱的太好 , 以為他是 " playback "
請問這句有沒問題 ? 還有更合適的説法嗎~?

回答 (3)

2010-08-16 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
他唱的太好 , 以為他是 " playback "

He's a pretty good singer, he sang like original sound track.

I quess what you mean "playback" meant "original sound track".
參考: Self
2010-08-16 12:03 am


參考: me
2010-08-15 7:18 pm
What does "playback" mean? It is a little bit vague.

You should say:
He sang too well as if it was / is not his voice.

Hope that you find it useful.

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