
2010-08-15 6:49 am
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
August is 1) __________ hottest month in Hong Kong. Many Hong Kong people like to travel overseas such as 2) __________ United Kingdom or 3) ________ Philippines.
Manila, 4) __________ capital of the Philippines, is perhaps 5) ___________ good choice for Hong Kong people to travel abroad. She is 6) __________interesting city where you can try 7) ___________ variety of interesting and exciting activities such as singing, dancing or rafting.
Though goods and handcrafts sold in Manila are cheap, you need to bargain with 8) ____________ hawker there. If you are lucky enough to meet 9) ________ honest one, you can but 10) ____________ best thing at 11) ___________ acceptable and reasonable price. Of course, 12) ____________ more you but 13) ____________ cheaper price you may enjoy.

回答 (4)

2010-08-15 7:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) the
2) the
3) the
4) the
5) a
6) an
7) a
8) the
9) the
10) the
11) an
12) the
13) the

2010-08-14 23:28:03 補充:
1,9,10 形容詞既最高級,即superlative,就一定係the (eg.hottest,best)
2,3 國家前面唔會用a/an,有d國家要加the,有d乜都唔洗加 (eg. the UK, China)
4,8 特別指明某個人/物件, (eg. 果個國家既首都, 果度既小販)
12,13 the (comparative)... the (comparative) 句型 (eg. the more you eat, the fatter you will be)

2010-08-14 23:28:14 補充:
元音發音開頭既就用an (eg. an umbrella, an amazing day)
輔音發音開頭既就用a (eg. a bottle, a polite boy)

掌握左之後就自己都識做架啦! 加油!
Hope it helps! ;)
參考: me, me
2010-08-15 8:59 pm
2010-08-15 8:10 am
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.

a一個: 沒有指定. 如: a boy, a girl, a cat, a dog, a pen
an一個: 用在字頭是響音(a,e,i,o,u)的字,如: an apple, an egg,
an ice cream, an old man, an umbrella
-指定的:the girl with long hair is my sister
-唯一的: 如: The sun, the moon
-次序: the first one, the next one, the third day of August
-由多個島嶼組成的國家: 如: the Philppines, the United Kingdom, the U.S.A., the New Territories
-形容詞的最高級: 如: the longest, the most beautiful
-書名,報紙,建築物,山名,河名都要用 the

August is 1) the hottest最熱 month in Hong Kong. Many Hong Kong people like to travel overseas such as 2) the United Kingdom 英國or 3) the Philippines菲律賓.
Manila, 4) the capital 首都of the Philippines, is perhaps 5) a 一個選擇good choice for Hong Kong people to travel abroad. She is 6) an interesting有趣的 city where you can try 7) a variety一連串 of interesting and exciting activities such as singing, dancing or rafting.
Though goods and handcrafts sold in Manila are cheap, you need to bargain with 8) the hawker那個小販 there. If you are lucky enough to meet 9) an honest 一個誠實的one, you can buy 10) the best最好的 thing at 11) an acceptable可接受的 and reasonable price. Of course, 12) the more愈多 you buy 13) the cheaper愈平 price you may enjoy.

2010-08-15 7:10 am
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
August is 1) ___the___ hottest month in Hong Kong. Many Hong Kong people like to travel overseas such as 2) ___the___ United Kingdom or 3) ___the___ Philippines.
Manila, 4) ___the___ capital of the Philippines, is perhaps 5) ___a___ good choice for Hong Kong people to travel abroad. She is 6) ____an____interesting city where you can try 7) ___a___ variety of interesting and exciting activities such as singing, dancing or rafting.
Though goods and handcrafts sold in Manila are cheap, you need to bargain with 8) ___the___ hawker there. If you are lucky enough to meet 9) ___the___ honest one, you can buy 10) ___the___ best thing at 11) ___an___ acceptable and reasonable price. Of course, 12) ___the___ more you buy 13) ___the___ cheaper price you may enjoy.
參考: 個人英文程度

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