A parachutist is falling with a contast vertical velocity of 16 m/s but is being
horizontally at 12 m/s. What is his actual velocity?
If he jumps from a height of 500m, directly above where he intends to lands, how far away from this point does he actually land?
第一個o既question 我己經計左,但係第二個question 我唔係好明。
Q 9c) Table 9.4 shows the results as recorded by the student. However, on one occasion the student made an error in calculating the acceleration.
( i ) Plot a graph of cos θ (y-axis) against acceleration (x-axis).
( ii )Use the graph to determine
(1) which acceleration was calculated incorrectly,
(2) the correct value of this acceleration,
(3) the acceleration of the trolley when the elastic band is parallel to the
longer side of the trolley.
Angle θ/----------------------------20------40------50------60-----70-----80
cos θ-------------------------------0.94---0.77---0.64---0.50---0.34---0.17
acceleration / cm/s²--------------61-----50------42------24------22-----11
Question 9c 用文字解釋都得
I'm so sorry about the question(3), I' ll do it by myself. Thank you!!