help me to write a poem!!

2010-08-15 12:47 am
You are Paul. Your Science teacher has asked your class to design a plan about how to reduce waste and live an environmentally friendly life for a month.

Write your plan below in approximately 120 words. You may consider some of the areas below to write your plan.

● using paper
● using plastic bagscutleryutensils
● using water
● using electricity
● recycling
● shopping

回答 (2)

2010-08-15 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
How to reduce waste and live an environmentally friendly life for a month ?
We can use paper , plastic bagscutleryutensils , water and electricity as
much as possible . Also , we can reduce waste such as old newspaper ,
had been used of plastic bottle . If you go shopping , please buy some
useful things that you need and use reduce bag . If you go out ,
remember to turn off the lights . Don 't waste paper and water . After you
go to the washroom , you also have to rememder to close the water faucet .
Don 't destroy the environment but do keep protect the environment .
Therefore , we can live an environmentally friendly life .

Hope can help you >v<
2010-08-15 1:07 am
I suggest you do your own homework.
When you finish it, you may send it to me and I will help you to polish it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:26:11
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