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This is a strange question, why do you want to know that? Preparing for your next job perhaps?
Basically, real firearm operate like airsoft, just there are more mechanical action involved.
手槍 - There are 3 types of handgun action, they are SA (Single Action) or DA (double Action) or DAO (Double Action Only)
SA - Trigger control only release mechanism
DA - Trigger control both release mechanism/hammer operation
DAO - Same as DA but trigger automatically control hammer operation
Pistol :
-Load a magazine clip to the weapon
-Rack the slide to load the first round in chamber
-Decock the hammer (Single Action only)
-Squeeze the trigger
Revolver :
-Open the cyclinder
-Reload the bullet
-Close the cyclinder
-Cock the hammer down (SA revolver only)
-Pull the trigger
步槍 - 2 types of rifle, they are open-bolted or close bolted
Basically, open bolt mean the bolt was in open position after each shot are fired (bullet unfit from chamber) close bolt mean the bolt was in closed position after each fire (bullet fed to chamber)
Basical operation:
-Load Magazine or single round into rifle
-Rack the charge handle to put first round in chamber
-Press the forward assist to lock the bolt (if there is one)
-Pull the trigger
散彈槍 - run on 3 operations, pumps, semi-automatic (shell fed) /fully auto (magazine fed)
-Reload the shell by insert individual shell underneath the shotgun (semi) or insering the clip (auto)
-Rack the forearm handle (pump action) or level (lever action) or charge handle (automatic) to load the first round in chamber
-Pull the trigger to fire
-Reload each shot (pump action/lever action only)
半自動和全自動機關槍 - same as 步槍
重型機關槍 - operate like an automatic rifle, only belt fed (not magazine fed)
-Reload the belt (open the chamber slot and belt guard)
-Rack the sliding handle/charge handle
-Press/depress button/pull trigger to fire
Bsically i cannot quote you pricelist on all the replacement part as there are just too many.