English sentences rewrite

2010-08-14 7:55 am
1. Someone broke into a village house in Yuen Long yesterday afternoon. (Rewrite it in passive voice)2. The stupid burglar did not steal the valuable Ming Dynasty antique vases and the Chinese painting in the living room.(remove all emotive words, rewrite it in passive voice and the sentence should start as ‘It was found that’)

回答 (3)

2010-08-14 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hope this helps:

1) A village house in Yuen Long was broken into yesterday afternoon.

注意: 習慣上在 passive voice 中, 不會畫蛇添足的説 was broken into "by someone / by some body", 就是因為不知誰做的, 才用passive voice, 通常説成"元朗一村屋被爆竊" 而不是"元朗一村屋被某些人爆竊".

2) It was found that the valuable Ming Dynasty antique vases or the Chinese painting in the living room had not been stolen.
2010-08-14 9:37 pm
Hope the Scilingual's answer can be chosen as the best!
2010-08-14 4:29 pm
1. A village house in Yuen Long was broken into yesterday afternoon.

2. It was found that the Ming Dynasty antique vases and the Chinese painting in the living room had not been stolen by the burglar.

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