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以下答案均符合問題提供的詞性 (part of speech): 1. 無奈地 (adv)= regretfully
2. 榜樣 (v.) = follow suit (model as榜樣 is a noun)
3. 重投xx的懷抱 = to seek (shelter / love / warmth / comfort) in xx’s embrace
4. 玩具陪伴著我們成長,見證了我們的童年,可說是我們的朋友…= Toys accompany our growth and witness our childhood. They can be treated as our friends…
5. 拋棄 (v.) = forsake
6. 值得我們深思= worth our contemplation
7. 就算/儘管woody返回andy的身邊,作為一個大學生的andy會否對woody一班玩具再有興趣?= Even if / even though Woody returns, Andy as an university student, would still be interested in Woody and other toys?
8. 啟發性(adj.)= enlightened
9. 有領導才能(adj.)
= steerable
10. 嘩眾取寵的手法 = try to please the public with pretentious but insincere strategy