中文轉英文【急】(20point!!) 英文高手請進

2010-08-14 1:18 am
thank you =]
1. 無奈地 (唔要however,but) (adv.)

2. 榜樣 (v.)

3. 重投xx的懷抱

4. 玩具陪伴著我們成長,見證了我們的童年,可說是我們的朋友…

5. 拋棄 (v.)

6. 值得我們深思

7. 就算/儘管woody返回andy的身邊,作為一個大學生的andy會否對woody一班玩具再有興趣?

8. 啟發性(adj.)

9. 有領導才能(adj.)

10. 嘩眾取寵的手法

回答 (3)

2010-08-14 4:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以下答案均符合問題提供的詞性 (part of speech): 1. 無奈地 (adv)= regretfully
2. 榜樣 (v.) = follow suit (model as榜樣 is a noun)

3. 重投xx的懷抱 = to seek (shelter / love / warmth / comfort) in xx’s embrace

4. 玩具陪伴著我們成長,見證了我們的童年,可說是我們的朋友…= Toys accompany our growth and witness our childhood. They can be treated as our friends…

5. 拋棄 (v.) = forsake

6. 值得我們深思= worth our contemplation

7. 就算/儘管woody返回andy的身邊,作為一個大學生的andy會否對woody一班玩具再有興趣?= Even if / even though Woody returns, Andy as an university student, would still be interested in Woody and other toys?

8. 啟發性(adj.)= enlightened

9. 有領導才能(adj.)
= steerable
10. 嘩眾取寵的手法 = try to please the public with pretentious but insincere strategy
參考: Myself
2010-08-14 1:33 am
Use google translate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-08-14 1:28 am
1cannot help it; to have no alternative; to have no choice
a model; an example; a leading card
231. bosom 2. to embrace 3. to hold in the arms 4The toy accompanies us to grow, the testimony our childhood, has been possible saying that is our friend…5. to throw away; to scrap; to discard; to cast aside; to forsake; to desert; to abandon 6Is worth us thinking deeply7Even if/, although woody returns to andy the side, takes university student's andy to be able to have the interest again to a woody class of toy?
8 1. edification; enlightenment 2. to arouse; to inspire; to enlighten; to instruct; to edify 9leadership101. to try to please the public with claptrap; to play to the gallery

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