
2010-08-13 6:58 pm
1. 學生違規記名表
2. 課室/特別室維修申報表
3. 學生記課記錄表現
4. 校服儀容複檢表

我打錯字, 應該係 3. 學生記課記錄表現 另不要網上直接翻譯的答案。謝謝。


我打錯字, 應該係 3. 學生功課記錄表現

回答 (8)

2010-08-13 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Unruly students in mind Lists
2. Classrooms / special room service returns
3. The performance of students in mind course record
4. Uniform appearance or review the table

2010-08-13 15:34:51 補充:

2010-08-14 10:47:44 補充:
3. 學生功課記錄表現

3. Student homework records show
2010-08-16 10:01 pm
Grateful if the following help turn the chinese into english:
1. Unruly students in mind lists
2. Classrooms / special room service returns
3. The performance of students in mind course record
4. Uniform appearance or review the table
參考: me
2010-08-14 2:18 am
1. 學生違規記名表
Students' misconducted record.

The rest of the answers (2, 3, 4) are quite okay.
參考: Self
2010-08-14 1:34 am


2010-08-13 8:25 pm
1. student breaches recorded watch

2. classroom/special room maintenance return

3. students write course record performance

4. uniform appearance review table
2010-08-13 8:08 pm
1. Unruly students in mind Lists
2. Classrooms / special room service returns
3. The performance of students in mind course record
4. Uniform appearance or review the table

2010-08-14 10:45:25 補充:
Student schoolwork performance record
2010-08-13 8:06 pm
1. Unruly students in mind Lists
2. Classrooms / special room service returns
3. The performance of students in mind course record
4. Uniform appearance or review the table

hope can help you
參考: me
2010-08-13 7:18 pm
1. student breaches recorded table 2. classroom/special room maintenance return 3. students write course record performance 4. uniform appearance review table

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