salary setting

2010-08-13 12:58 am
I have just graduated from Fine Arts 2-D major from an university in US last June, and it is my first time to be a freelance graphic designer. I am helping my friend to design some logos and leaflet for a product series of a brand that is targeting the European/ American customers.

How much should I set my salary for the position Temporary Freelance Graphic Designer?

回答 (2)

2010-08-13 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
How much should set the salary for the position Temporary Freelance Graphic Designer, it is very hard to give out the idea.
Well, may be u can consider the salary in this way:-
HK$50-HK$150/ working Hour
or ask your friend give his/her offer.
2010-08-14 2:37 am
You can refer to website of some job seeker which has salary report of 2010. The average salary of graphic designer is HKD15,646 & HK$16,862 in 2009 & 2010. You can take this as reference scale to negotiate with your boss.

Below is the hyperlink for your reference.

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