請幫我檢查文法, 改好d~~

2010-08-12 5:32 pm
多謝你ge關心, 我很好! 課程的訓練和所提供的資料都好有用, 只是, 我不得不放棄這課程. 因為要每星期, 逢二,四晚上7至10上課, 之後半夜接回bb, 第二朝又要早早返工, 時間實在太緊迫了. 如果因此打擾你的課程安排, 真的不好意思. 請接受我的道歉.方便的話, 亦想相約取回課程講義 再次謝謝你的指導, 期望日後再有機會上你的課!!

Thanks for your kind concern, i am fine. The course training and information given are very useful. However, even it is a very difficult decision to make, i have to decide to resign from the course because I found that time is too tight for me to attend the courses from 7-10 every Tuesday and Thursday, and afterthat to pick up my baby at midnight and then go for my job early on the next day.

I'm sorry if this will cause you any trouble, and would like to make an appointment with you collecting the handouts of the course.

Thank you for your teaching again and would like to seek your advice and professional assistance in future.

回答 (4)

2010-08-12 6:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am an overea student, your grammar is fine, but your style of writing needs to be improved:

Thank you for your kind regards. I have found the course itself and the information I've learnt from it very useful. However, despite the urge for me to complete thecourse I am currently unable to. This is due to the fact that I have to pick up my child after lessons from 7 to 10, by the time I get home it is already close to being 12, and I'll have to leave early in the morning to get to work the following morning.

In concern of my child's health, I find myself unable to continue with the course, sorry if this may cause you any inconvenience. I'd however like to know time it would be good for me to drop in and collect the handouts for the course, so that I may use it as a further reference and guildline.

Thank you for your help and patience throughout the course, I will be looking forward to seeking your advice and assistance in the near future.

Best wishes and my regards,

2010-08-12 10:30:39 補充:
I'll have to leave early in the morning to get to work the following morning.

needs to be changed to

I'll have to leave early the following morning to get to work.

2010-08-12 10:31:34 補充:
I'd however like to know time it would be good for me to drop in and collect the handouts for the course, so that I may use it as a further reference and guildline.

2010-08-12 10:31:46 補充:
change to

I'd however like to know time what time would be good for me to drop in and collect the handouts for the course, so that I may use it as a further reference and guildline.
2010-08-12 5:59 pm
2010-08-12 5:47 pm
Your grammar is ok, it just look clumsy

Thanks for your kind concern, i am fine. The course training and information given are very useful. However, even it is a very difficult decision to make, i have to resign from the course. As I found that time is too tight for me to attend the courses from 7-10 every Tuesday and Thursday, and afterthat to pick up my baby at midnight and then go for my job early on the next day.

I'm sorry if this will cause you any trouble, and would like to make an appointment with you for collecting the handouts.

Thank you for your teaching again and I would like to seek your advice and professional assistance in future.
2010-08-12 5:43 pm
wow!I am a English teacher.Your English is good! My student's English is worse than you many !Your English is very very good!

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