Balance sheet (老闆注入2萬)

2010-08-12 4:13 pm
以下是我朋友上一年的獨資Balance sheet

Balance sheet at 31 March 2009

Fixed Assets
Motor vehicles
Balance b/f 400,000
Less: Depreciation 400,000 -

Current Asset
Cash in hand 13,000

Total 13,000

Capital 600,000

Balance b/f -587,000
add: net profit for the year 97,578

Less: Drawings 97,578

Total 13,000

Balance sheet at 31 March 2010

請問: 老闆再2009/2010會計年度注入2萬 , 在balance shee怎樣用英文表達? 放在Balance sheet 哪裡?
Balance sheet 資料:
虧損: 25,000 cash in hand 8,000

那麼Balance sheet at 31 March 2010其中一部分以下資料是否正確? Proprietor's Fund Capital 600,000 Current Account Balance b/f -587,000 less net loss -25,000 add pay in 20,000 Total: 8,000

回答 (1)

2010-08-12 4:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The entry be Dr. Cash at Bank and Cr. Proprietor's Current Account ( temporary funding ) or Capital Account for $20,000.
The Proprietor's Current Account should be grouped under the Capital Account of the Proprietor's Funds.

2010-08-12 09:17:48 補充:

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:34:29
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