do you accept /support Same sex marriage ?

2010-08-11 7:16 pm

回答 (21)

2010-08-11 7:19 pm
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The same arguments some people are making against same sex marriage are the same ones they used to make against interracial marriages. Now, those are not a big deal, and in due time, the novelty of same sex marriages will wear off and will be accepted and no longer be a big deal.
2010-08-12 2:24 am
I do support the civil rights of US citizens as clearly outlined in the constitution and bill of rights. This country was founded on freedom, and specifically freedom of religion (especially government run) as well.

I do not support the force feeding of ridiculous and antiquated secular bullsh*t onto the general public by the far right and their ignorant minions. Just because a few people are too stupid to read their own rights and know them does not give them the right to hold up a 2000 year old fairy tale and try to strip others of their civil liberties.
2010-08-12 2:23 am
I do not see anything wrong with it. If being married to someone of the same sex makes them happy who cares!? It is not in any way affecting my marriage. It is also not my place to judge others.
2010-08-12 2:21 am
I think that people should have the right to do what they want to do in the privacy of their own home. With that said, I also believe that fighting for and getting same sex marriage is not a smart thing for our gay and lesbian citizens. Mainly because should their relationship fall apart, before marriage they just packed their stuff and moved on - with marriage, the nasty court battles will begin.
2010-08-12 2:36 am
I absolutely accept and support same sex marriage. Marriage is supposed to be a binding union between 2 people that love each other and wish to spend the rest of their lives together. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, if you love someone, you should have the right to marry them if you choose. I am so sick of hearing people complaining about this...It's not like it's going to affect your life if a same sex couple gets married. It's not going to lessen the value of marriage one tiny little bit. People are so disgustingly small minded when it comes to things like gay marriage. GET OVER YOURSELVES. Jeez, let people be happy and live their own lives on their own terms.
2010-08-12 2:26 am
No I do not, but that doesn't really go far enough in response...I believe marriage is for/between a man and a woman - opposite gender identities. I believe in order to include the gay segment into society which we must, that civil union/domestic partnership is needed to differentiate - because like it or not? Gay relationships ARE different - for starters - they involve SAME SEX participation.
Now that it appears a rogue judge in California has overturned Prop. 8, I want this issue to go all the way to the Supreme Court and let THEM decide...The gay people I know? DON'T consider their unions just like Mom and Dad's, they UNDERSTAND, they are different - though their desire for acceptance in society and recognition of this difference is real. So be it. But don't call it a marriage...for in the eyes of the majority of America? Gay relationships are something different and should be noted as such...less confusion...more acceptance by recognizing the differences.


2010-08-12 2:40 am
Yes. I can very proudly tell you that same-sex marriage has been legal in my country for quite a few years. And see the country still exists we still have internet and our economy is doing well.
Isn't it great. The world continued. Society did not collapse when same-sex marriage became legal.
2010-08-12 2:26 am
If the majority of people say no, then we will rarely see same sex marriages, yet those couple will still remain together will still be in our cites and towns. They will have kids that still go to your school, and go to your pta meetings, and be there at your kids t ball games for their kids too.

If the majority of th epeople say yes, then we will see those same sex marriages still together in our cities and towns. and will have kids that go to your schools, and go to your pta meetings, and be there at your kids balls games for their kids too.

Virtually nothing will change, and who am i to deny another person their happyness, even if the majority of the world says no, their happyness will still exist, and im just being a douche... so everyone get your *** out of 1045 and join the rest of the world on page 9 in the great book of life, in 2010 and allow, no wait, grant them their right to make a family, have the same legal rights as married people. They dont have to marry in a church a church does not have to accept or perform their union.. the majority of this has to do with being recognized by the law.

Even so, you are not the one who gets to pass judgement on who is allowed in a church of god, no one man can pass judgement, if there is a god then he is th eonly one that can do that, if you pass judgement onto others, then you are trying to fill god's shoes, and i hate to inform you, you are ill equipped and he probably takes more offense to that than the gays...

I would be mad at someone going agains my will, but id be PISSED at someone throwing out orders on my behalf... think aobut that.
2010-08-12 4:46 am
Nope. There is no such thing in my eyes as same sex MARRIAGE. Call it something else but that term is strictly reserved for a union between a 1 Man and 1 Woman.
2010-08-12 2:27 am
we ALL sin every single day, there is not 1 person who walks the face of the planet who doesn't so to say that you could never back or support any sin is just plain silly considering that when you say someone else is wrong for how they choose to live their own lives is wrong, that is judging others, and that is a sin... for myself personally, i do not believe in same sex marriage, however, to each their own, live and let live ya know. who am i to try and tell someone that they should or shouldn't be able to live the way they want? and, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else then why does everyone else care so much about what other people do? i think we have far more serious and important issues that we all need to be concerned with then who is married to who.. that's whats wrong with this country, our priorities are all messed up. let those people live how they want and let them be happy.

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