「t」音尾 的讀音

2010-08-12 4:38 am
就例如 : POINT

最後的T音 是 讀"ed"輕聲


請問是不是個"t"係唔同字 個尾音都會唔太同? 好似PIZZA HUT 個HUT 最尾個音係"池"音 我應該怎樣去了解t音尾係ed"輕聲還是"池音?? 先謝謝!

回答 (3)

2010-08-12 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
"t" 音尾 的讀音全都是"池音"。

例如: point, hut, get, light, cost, caught 等,音尾 都是"池音"。

依你問題看來,你可能將 "ed" 尾音問題和 "t" 尾音問題記在一起。

"ed" 的尾音,根據前的字母,作不同的發音,

例如 "ed" 跟着輕聲子音 (soft / voiceless consonants) "se", "ce", "sh", "p", "k", "ff" (pleased, reduced, pushed, developed, liked, puffed),就讀輕音,像 "t" (即是"池音")。

如果 "ed" 跟着 "t" 或 "d",就讀加重 "d" 音 (wanted 剔, decided 滴)。

"ed" 跟着其它的重聲子音 (hard / voiced consonants), 或 母音 (vowel: a,e,i,o,u), 就 讀 重音,像 "d" 音。例如: "absorbed, goofed, laughed, sued."。
2010-08-12 7:14 pm
2010-08-12 4:59 am
You should pronounciate "ed " softly.

When you see a verb comprising " -ked " or "- shed " like cooked and washed,
they have to pronounciate " t " sound.

Hope that you find it useful.

2010-08-11 21:48:08 補充:
Every verb including "t" at the end of it should be pronunciated as 池.

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