English (5) The wisdom

2010-08-12 3:27 am
What does " The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual " mean ?

回答 (2)

2010-08-12 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
It means "集思廣益"。就是說眾人的力量聚集起來會比一個最聰明的人的力量還要大,我們做事要團結一事、齊心合力,才能成事的,單靠一個人的力量,做事效率會很低。
The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual .
群眾 的 智慧 超過 最聰明的 個人(一個人) 。

2010-08-11 19:40:42 補充:
That is the power of crowd will gather together the most intelligent person than a force even greater, we must act in unity, will the concerted effort to succeed, and only one person's strength, work efficiency will be low.
參考: by myself
2010-08-12 3:36 am

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