
2010-08-12 2:55 am

1.and move along the ground on my stomach
2.what am I going to cook it in
3.the showers were just a long hole in the ground for us to stand in,while somebody threw water over us
4.and after a minute or two the rest of us chimbed up our of the hole
5.but it was time for us to move up north to help some of our other men in the jungle
6.the enemy started shooting at us before we got on the ground
7.and who do you think one of them was
8.she left school and went off with a group of people who were against

回答 (4)

2010-08-12 11:16 pm
1.and move along the ground on my stomach

2.what am I going to cook it in
單看這句字似不完整, IN之後相信有"地方", 全句是 : 我會在XX煮了它("它"是甚麼不知道)

3.the showers were just a long hole in the ground for us to stand in,while somebody threw water over us
淋浴間只是地上挖一個小坑, 我們進去, 別人向我們潑水

4.and after a minute or two the rest of us chimbed up our of the hole

5.but it was time for us to move up north to help some of our other men in the jungle
到了那時候, 我們需要北上支援在叢林裡的同袍

6.the enemy started shooting at us before we got on the ground

7.and who do you think one of them was
句子不完整. 理解不到

8.she left school and went off with a group of people who were against 1
句子也不完整, 大概是: 她離校後與一批反對XXXX的人交往
2010-08-12 8:34 pm
2010-08-12 7:58 pm
2010-08-12 4:04 am
1.and move along the ground on my stomach
2.what am I going to cook it in
3.the showers were just a long hole in the ground for us to stand in,while somebody threw water over us
4.and after a minute or two the rest of us chimbed up our of the hole
5.but it was time for us to move up north to help some of our other men in the jungle
6.the enemy started shooting at us before we got on the ground
7.and who do you think one of them was
8.she left school and went off with a group of people who were against

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