
2010-08-11 3:10 am
May is talking to Bill.Complete their conversation with suitable 'wy'-words and 'wh'-words+nouns/noun phrases.

May: Hi there,Bill!__1.why__are you taking a bus yo Sha Tin?
Bill : I'm meeting someone at a cafe.
May: Oh,__2__are you meeting and __3__are you going to?
Bill : I'm meeting Sam at Lakeside Cafe.then I'm going to buy a birthday present.
May: __4__is it?
Bill : Angela's.
May: That's tomorrow!__5__are you getting her?__6__are you going to?There are some nice shops near Lakeside Cafe.
Bill : I don't know.__7__do you have?
May:__8__don't you get her a soft toy?She loves them.
Bill : That's great idear, thanks!

Write the letters(A-L)in the ___.

Tom : Thank you for letting us interview you,Miss Pang.First of all,_B_some questions about youself?
Mimi: Of course.Before you start though,_2_make a quick phone call?
Tom : Of course_3_.
Tom : So,_4_now?
Mimi: Certainly.I'm sorry about that.It was an urgent phone call.Now,_5_want to know?
Alice: Well,_6_your age?
Mimi: I'm_7_!That's my secret.
Alice: Well then,_8_you go to school?
Mimi: I went to a secondary school in Kowloon Tong.
Tom : And_9_us its name?
Mimi: Of course_10_.The name is Kowloon Tong Secondary School.
Tom : Oh, I have an iddear!After this interview,_11_take a photo of you in front of your old school?
Mimi: I'm sorry,_12_.I don't want to attract attention and disturb the students.

A could you tell us
B may we ask you
C where did
D can we ask our questions
E afraid not
F can I
G could you tell
H may we
I what do you
J you can't
K I can
L you can

回答 (1)

2010-08-11 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. May is talking to Bill.Complete their conversation with suitable 'wy'-words and 'wh'-words+nouns/noun phrases.

May: Hi there,Bill! 1. Why are you taking a bus to Sha Tin?
Bill : I'm meeting someone at a cafe.
May: Oh, 2. who are you meeting and 3. where are you going to?
Bill : I'm meeting Sam at Lakeside Cafe.Then I'm going to buy a birthday present.
May: 4. Whose is it?
Bill : Angela's.
May: That's tomorrow! 5. What are you getting her? 6. Where are you going to?There are some nice shops near Lakeside Cafe.
Bill : I don't know. 7. What do you have?
May:8. Why don't you get her a soft toy? She loves them.
Bill : That's great idear, thanks!

2010-08-10 19:45:05 補充:
2. Write the letters(A-L)in the ___.

Tom : Thank you for letting us interview you,Miss Pang. First of all,_B_some questions about youself?
Mimi: Of course. Before you start though,_F_make a quick phone call?
Tom : Of course_L_.

2010-08-10 19:45:20 補充:
Tom : So,_D_now?
Mimi: Certainly. I'm sorry about that.It was an urgent phone call. Now,_I_want to know?
Alice: Well,_A_your age?
Mimi: I'm_E_!That's my secret.
Alice: Well then,_C_you go to school?
Mimi: I went to a secondary school in Kowloon Tong.

2010-08-10 19:45:34 補充:
Tom : And_G_us its name?
Mimi: Of course_K_.The name is Kowloon Tong Secondary School.
Tom : Oh, I have an iddear! After this interview,_H_take a photo of you in front of your old school?
Mimi: I'm sorry,_J_.I don't want to attract attention and disturb the students.

1. B
2. F
3. L
4. D
5. I
6. A

2010-08-10 19:45:38 補充:
7. E
8. C
9. G
10. K
11. H
12. J
參考: There are some mistakes in the passage, I have already changed them for you., myself, myself, myself, myself

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