Engilsh Present Perfect Tense

2010-08-11 2:51 am
1. I ________ (thank) you five times already.
2. Jack _______ (run) away for tenminutes.
3. I _______ not yet _______ (feed) the kitten.
4. James _______ (have) his breakfast since seven thirty.

回答 (1)

2010-08-11 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I have thanked you five times already.
2. Jack has run away for ten minutes.
3. I have not yet fed the kitten.
4. James has had his breakfast since seven thirty.

例如I/They/We 就用have, He/She/It 就用has
例如 sit→sat see→seen, 如果唔知轉咩可以查字典!

Hope it helps! ;)
參考: 自己

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