asia miles 換台灣機票係咪得CX坐?

2010-08-11 2:22 am
我係港龍網頁內想用asia miles 里數對換台北機票,
我想問係咪免費票只可以坐CX, 坐唔到港龍?

ps.因為我只夠分換一張, 另一張要買飛,

如果只可以換國泰換, 咁我就要同朋友分開坐機?!


回答 (2)

2010-08-16 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案

參考: 粒粒玲子 lovelovelings
2010-08-11 6:41 am
As a matter of fact, you can choose either Dragonair or Cathay because they are pretty much the same company. My parents are Cathay Marco Polo member and they can use the miles to redem the miles for 3 round trip tickets of HKG - PEK - HKG on Dragonair.

For the company to Taiwan in which it is under the asiamiles are Dragonair and Cathay Pacific. So just pick either one. I would suggest give a call to Dragonair (since KA is cheaper) and then have the staff to assis you to get free tickets.

Hope all the information can help you.

For further questions please ask me and I am happy to help you
參考: I am a Marco Polo and Asia Mile members for 7 years

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