
2010-08-10 8:19 pm
2.they/read/comic book
3.she/write letter
4.it/sing a song

一句要用事實,現在進行,過去進行,過去,將來 去作 小弟我唔識求高人指點

係要用現在事實,現在進行,過去進行,過去,將來 ...


姐係一句 要作5次~

回答 (3)

2010-08-10 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以下句子動詞以a)現在 b)現在進行 c)過去進行 d) 過去 e)將來的次序寫出:

a) I do my homework everyday as soon as I get home after school.
b) I am sorry I cannot come out now as I am doing my homework.
c) I was doing my homework when David came last evening.
d) I did my homework late last night.
e) I shall do my homework to-morrow morning before I go to school.

a) They read comic book sometimes even in the class.
b) They are reading comic book right now.
c) They were reading comic book yesterday when the teacher came in.
d) They read comic book together in Peter's house yesterday.
e) They will read comic book instead of going picnic with us to-morrow.

a) She writes letter to her sister who lives in Canada from time to time.
b) She is writing a letter to her sister to ask when will she come to visit her.
c) She was writing letter when her friend called at her house.(call at解 到訪)
d) She wrote a letter to her sister as she got nothing else to do.
e) She will write a letter to her sister to congraduate her wedding.

a) It sings a nice song every now and then(every now and then解久不久)
b) Listen ! it is singing a song now.
c) A cat came into our house when it was singing a song.
d) Yesterday, it sang a very sweet song that surprised all my friends.
e) I am sure it will sing a song loudly when it sees Peter's bird to-morrow.
參考: nil
2010-08-10 8:26 pm
1. I am doing homework now.(現在進行)
2.they read comic book just now.(過去)
3.she was writing letter yesterday afternoon.(過去進行)
4.It will sing a song later.(將來)
參考: it did by myself
2010-08-10 8:25 pm
1. I am doing homework.

2. They were reading comic book.

3. She wrote letter for her friend yesterday.

4. It will sing a song next Monday.
參考: me

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