英文唔識 幫下忙

2010-08-09 4:49 pm
Rewrite the following sentences by using the correct from of participles

1. When Teresa was running in the park, she saw an old friend.

2. After she had read the manual, she knew how to fix the printer.

3. Karen switched off all the lights and air-conditioner and then she left home.

4. When I looked out of the classroom, I saw Bessy.

5. Kelvin had been hurt in the accident and was sent to hospital.

6. Since they knew that the project deadline was coming, they worded very hard.

7. As Candy had seen this movie before, she did not want to watch it again.

8. Roger slept in the class and was punished by the teacher.

9. As Wilson saw the teacher, he ran back to his seat at once.

回答 (2)

2010-08-09 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. When Teresa was running in the park, she saw an old friend.
(While) running in the park, Teresa saw an old frined.

2. After she had read the manual, she knew how to fix the printer.
Ater reading the manual, she knew how to fix the the printer. (Having read the manual, she knew how to fix the printer).

3. Karen switched off all the lights and air-conditioner and then she left home.
After switching off all the lights and air-conditioner, Karen left home. (Having switched off all the lights and air-conditioner, Karen left home.)

4. When I looked out of the classroom, I saw Bessy.
Looking out of the classroom, I saw Bessy.

5. Kelvin had been hurt in the accident and was sent to hospital.
Having been hurt in the accident, Kelvin was sent to hospital.

6. Since they knew that the project deadline was coming, they worked very hard.
Knowing that the project deadline was coming, they worked very hard.

7. As Candy had seen this movie before, she did not want to watch it again.
Having seen this movie before, Candy did not want to watch it again.

8. Roger slept in the class and was punished by the teacher.
Having slept in the class, Roger was punished by the teacher. (Roger was punished by the teacher for sleeping in the class).

9. As Wilson saw the teacher, he ran back to his seat at once.
Seeing the teacher, Wilson ran back to his seat at once.
參考: my experience
2010-08-09 5:32 pm
1. When Teresa was running in the park, she met an old friend.
2. After she read the manual, she knows how to fix the printer.
3. Karen switched off all the lights and air-conditioner before she left home.
4. I looked out of the classroom, I saw Bessy.
5. Kelvin got hurt in the accident and he was sent to hospital.
6. They worked very hard because they know the project deadline very soon.
7. Candy didn't want to see this movie again because she watched it before.
8. As Roger was sleeping during the class, so he was punished by the teacher.
9. Wilson ran back to the seat when he saw the teacher.


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