
2010-08-09 3:06 am

1. The book was lent by the public library to a reader.
2. The book was borrowed by a reader from the public library.

回答 (5)

2010-08-09 10:02 am
About "A reader was lent" and "A book was lent", there are no mistakes for both. Just pay attention if direct object becomes the subject of a sentence in passive voice, remember to add "TO"

A reader was lent a book
A book was lent TO a reader

Both are correct
2010-08-09 6:07 am
Q1. A reader was lent the book by the public library.

........個讀者 被提供..................................................

Q2. The book was borrow by a reader from the public library.

...........那書 被借用......................................................

2010-08-08 22:15:09 補充:
是讀者被提供,...............不是那書被提供..........第一句The book was lent是錯的.

2010-08-08 22:18:55 補充:
改正 : 是 was borrowed.........打少咗ed.
2010-08-09 4:02 am
lend =>用於"由...借出"
borrow =>用於"由...借來"
2010-08-09 3:33 am
兩句句子在文法立塲上也絕對正確, 問題是用語與時間是否切合而已。
參考: nil
2010-08-09 3:15 am
1.This book is lend by the public library to the reader.
2.This book is borrowed by a reader from the public library.


收錄日期: 2021-04-28 14:08:31
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