以下句子 中譯英

2010-08-08 9:11 pm

回答 (3)

2010-08-08 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In order to avoid being clamped by the door gap,
we installed / will install a door shield in the Kid's Playing Room on
15 July,2010.

Hope that you find it useful.
2010-08-09 10:28 pm
To reduce children's fingers in the door gap crush the opportunity,
We have deliberately on July 15, 2010 for the children's play room door install door shield gap to avoid accidents.
2010-08-08 9:33 pm
To reduce children's fingers in the door gap crush the opportunity,
We have deliberately on July 15, 2010 for the children's play room door install door shield gap to avoid accidents.
參考: google

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