07pp 第8條 (law of demand)

2010-08-08 7:57 am
which of the following pairs of observations is incosistent with the law of
demand ?

a. an increase unemployment benefits and increase in the number of
unemployed people

b. a sharp rise in the prices of dinner during Christmas Eve and a decrease in
the number of people eating at home

c.an increase in the rental of parking spaces and a decrease in the average
quality of vehicles

d. none of the above


law of demand --> price ↑ , demand ↓

a 唔會係answer . 因為 the cost of being unemployed 跌 ,
so an increase in the number of unemployed people

( consistent with the law of demand )

b 同c想要解釋..a既解釋我岩 ?

回答 (1)

2010-08-15 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案

a 應該consistent with the law of demand。 可以這樣看, an increase (in) unemployment benefits 可以令leisure time 的價格下降, 因為有政府津貼, 所以人們對leisure time 的需求量上升。 當中的good (物品) 就是指leisure time, 因為失業不是good, 是bad(壞物品)。

(p.s. increase 之後要跟in。 law of demand --> price ↑ , quantity of demand (需求量)↓ , 不是需求(demand))

b 應該consistent with the law of demand。 Christmas Eve 這個節日令外出吃飯的需求上升和在家吃飯的需求下降。 因為對外出吃飯的需求上升令a sharp rise in the prices of dinner during Christmas Eve。 對在家吃飯的需求下降. 令a decrease in the number of people eating at home 。 這題應該是考需求(demand)改變, 而非quantity of demand (需求量)改變。

c 應該inconsistent with the law of demand。 因為an increase in the rental of parking spaces即擁有和使用車的價格上升, 擁有和使用車的需求量會下降。 跟據加州橙的那個例子(我多年前用的教科書有, 不知你的有冇)的推論, 人們應該多買貴價車, 因為貴價私家車和平價私家車的時租一樣, 可視之為固定價格。 買貴價車令平均成本下降, 所以a decrease in the average quality of vehicles 是錯, 應該是a increase in the average quality of vehicles。

我未做過這年的試卷, 不知官方答案。 我可能會錯, 但推論應該合理, 你最好查查官方答案, 若我錯了告訴我。


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