why you eat to much you will

2010-08-08 2:55 am
Why if you eat to much, you will be fat?

回答 (2)

2010-08-17 10:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Why if you eat too much, you will be fat?
We can see the human body as a living machine which uses fuel to provide energy for its activities-the human body consumes energy even when we are resting and sleeping.
We take in food, drink and gas as our 'fuel'. The food intake is our energy 'income' which can be expressed in Calories.
On the other hand, the total of energy consumed in all our activities is our energy 'expenditure' which can also be expressed in Calories.

If you eat too much in a period of time, it means that the Calories produced by the food you eat exceeds the Calories consumed in your activities in the same period of time. The surplus Calories will be stored as weight increase. However, the extra weight is not necessarily stored as fat in your body. It can be in the form of protein (muscles) if you are on a high protein diet. You may not be fat!
Therefore, it is not just the quantity of food that matters. More importantly, it is the quality, the balance and the compatibility of a diet to our life style that will determine our body composition, our physique and our health.
2010-08-08 3:09 am
because when you eat too much, you can get too much netrition,so you will grow faster,
if you eat so much things is about chocoliate and so on,you will be fat because chocolate contain so much sweet,
also ,so much food contain sweet ,so if you eat so much ,you will be fat.because sweet can make you became fat.
if you eat so much vegetable ,you will never be fat.
Trust me.
Good luck!!!

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:17:48
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