
2010-08-07 10:54 pm

My favourite film is Happy feet. It is a animation film. the story happens in

Antarctica who is a cold place.Memphis and Norma are two pengunis. they get

married and has an egg.After a few months,Mumble the little penguim comes ou

t of the egg. However,Mumble was different from other penguins. He cannot sing

s. His mother ,Norma is so worried. She is afraid that Mumble may not find his tu

re love because he cannot sing. Later,Mumble finds that he can dance. He want t

o become a tap dancer. he dances so well that other penguis becomes jealous o

f him. Those penguis start to know that Mumble are a good penguin too. I like thi

s film because it teaches my a lesson. We all have our strengths and weakness

es.We should stops imitating othes.We should be pround of ourself.

回答 (1)

2010-08-08 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
My favourite film is Happy feet. It is an animated film.The story happens in
Antarctica which is a very cold place. Memphis and Norma are two penguins. They get married and have an egg. After a few months, Mumble,
the little penguin comes out of the egg. However, Mumble is different from other pengins; he cannot sing. His mother, Morma is so worried. She is
afraid that Mumble may not find his true love because he cannot sing.
Later Mumble finds that he can dance. He wants to become a tap dancer.
He dances so well that other penguins becomes jealous of him. Those
penguins begin to know that Mumble is a good penguin too. I like this film
because it teaches me a lesson. We all have our own merit and shortcoming.We should stop imitating others. We should be confident
about ourselves.
idky***:你所作文章雖用句簡單, 但情節很有條理,着實不錯。就因你用句簡單我才可以容易改及教你。就我所見, 有幾點你要留意如下:
1)Antarctica(南極洲)是非常非常冷的地方, 所以加very在cold字前較好。
2)你整篇文章用現在式寫出,就記得不要用過去式動詞如Mumble was
different....,應用is 代替was.
3)Can,cannot,may,may not或to字等後面的動詞不可加s或es.所以寫He
cannot sing.不要加 s.
4)除了有can, cannot, may, may not, to等字在前面外,第三身單數主詞 He,she, it (包括動植物及其他事物) 後的現在式動詞一定要加 s 或es, 所以
He wants to become a tap dancer 的want就要加 s了。
5)人的長處和短處是merit and shortcoming, 這是好的英文, 要記着。
6)最後一句的意思是對自己有信心而不是驕傲, 所以要寫作should be
confident about ourselves.而不應用proud字。

2010-08-07 17:49:14 補充:
忘了提一點就是動詞 start 多用在開始一件事情, 工作等, 在感情,情緒上則要用begin 好得多了, 所以我就在你原文改用了begin。
參考: nil, nil

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