英文 10點

2010-08-07 10:05 pm
1.Could you see the pandas at Ocean Park?
No,___________.The panda house was closed.
2.Was today's weather fine?
No,___________.It rained all day.
3.Are there many shops on the peak?
4.Did you buy a lot of clothes?
5.Did you swim at Stanley Beach?
6.Is your hotel room very expensive?

回答 (3)

2010-08-16 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. I couldn't 或 I could not
2. it wasn't 或 it was not
3. there are
4. I didn't 或 I did not
5. I did
6. 如果答 yes ,就係
Yes, it is.
如果答 no ,就係
No, it isn't. 或 No, it is not.

Mcdonald (一個人名) 是一個農夫,他正在把他農場的物畫出來。用 "Listen to it!" 和 "Read it now!" 裏的資料。請寫出以下動物發出的聲音,完成 Mcdonald 的畫。
參考: 自己
2010-08-07 10:17 pm
1) I could not.或 I couldn't.
2) it was not.或 it wasn't.
3) there are.
4) I did not.或 I didn't.
5) I did.
6) Yes, it is. 或No, it is not或No, it isn't.
參考: nil
2010-08-07 10:16 pm
 1  I couldn't see the pandas at Ocean Park
 2  today's weather was not fine
 3  there are many shops on the    peak
 4  I didn't buy a lot of clothes
 5  I swam at Stanley Beach
 6  yes/no ?
參考: myself

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