
2010-08-07 8:23 pm
**(要開頭係有a b c d)**

回答 (3)

2010-08-07 9:17 pm
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"開頭要係有a b c d"→??

a:After doing exercises, I go to take a bathe.
b:Beside, I want you to promise me one thing.
c:Cat is an interesting animal, its eyes will bright at night.
d:David broke his arm when he rode a bicycle last Staurday.

2010-08-07 8:41 pm
1) All students should do their homework by themselves.
2) Boys and girls alike, should behave well at school.
3) Children must be well taken care of by their parents.
4) Dogs often bark at strangers.
參考: nil
2010-08-07 8:34 pm
A boy caught birds
billy was playing in the garden
catching birds and running around
decently let them go afterwards

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