Do you think has a lot of Different thing, between upper society and immigrant community ?

2010-08-06 10:04 pm

回答 (4)

2010-08-06 10:34 pm
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Immigrants cannot be lumped into one homogeneous group. They range from highly educated "upper society" members to nearly illiterate poor refugees. So it depends on who exactly you're talking about.
2010-08-07 5:16 am
Some immigrants are highly educated, have high incomes, and a lot of wealth. The richest cities and counties in Virginia, for example, have large and diverse immigrant populations. If you think white = rich, you need to rethink that. Asian-Americans, notably Indians and Chinese, have higher household incomes than whites.
2010-08-07 5:07 am
Do you think those words actually belong together? I don't know what your question could possibly be.
2010-08-07 5:57 am
Learn English, try that question again, and we'll see if we can get you an answer.

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