
2010-08-07 2:49 am
Can anybody proofread the following essay for me?
In each line, there may be an error or there may be no error

New research from around the world suggest that an individual's favourite music
genre is close linked to his or her personality. Professor Adrian North of Heriot-Watt
University has undertaken the largest study so far of musical tastes and personality type.
He is an expert on music psychology and has carried extensive research on
the social and apply psychology of music, in particular the relationship between
pop music culture and deviate behaviour in adolescence, music and consumer behaviour,
and the role of musical preferences in everyday life.

Over the course of three years, Professor North ask morethan 36,000 people
in more than 60 countries rate a wide range of musical styles in order of preference
Certain aspects of personality were also measured from a questionnaire. The study
concluded that friends of classical music and jazz are creative, pop lovers are
hardworking and, despite of the stereotypes, heavy metal listeners are gentle, creative
types who are at ease with them.

North wanted to study why is music is such a significant part of people's identity.
"People do actually define themselves through music and relate to other people through
it but we haven't known in detail how music is connect to identity," he said. "we have
always suspected a link between taste in music and personality. This is first time that
we've been able to look at it in real detail. No one has ever done this in this scale before."

People may define their musical identity by wearing particular clothes, going to certain
pubs, and using certain types of slang. So it's not so surprised that personality should
be related to musical preference. "We really got the sense that people were selecting musical
styles to like that match their own personality," North said.

回答 (1)

2010-08-07 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
In 1st. paragraph
line 1------You either use researches and use suggest or use research and
use suggests. Between the two,I would have thought the former
is more adequate as over a period of three years, Adrian North
must have done many researches other than just one.
In 2nd. paragraph
line 1------ The sentence should be ' North has asked....'.
line 2------ Could it be' 60 countries, rated a wide.....' or' 60 countries and
rated a wide....'.
In 3rd. paragraph
line 3------ It should either be ' how music is connected to.....' or ' how
music connects to.....'; as this is what A. North said, use his
original wording' is connected to....'.
line 4------.I should think there is a' the' in front of ' first time' missing.
In 4th. paragraph
line 3------ Could it be ' So it's not so surprising that.....'.
參考: nil

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