English '' 's ''

2010-08-07 2:47 am
1. We are going to attend the opening ceremony of ____ this Saturday.
A. Mary's and her sister's new boutique
B Mary and her sister's new boutique

2. ____________ are on the different floors.
A. Mr. Chou and her wife's offices
B. Mr. Chou's and her wife's offices
C. Mr. Chou and her wife's office
D. Mr. Chou's and her wife's office

回答 (2)

2010-08-07 6:42 am
1. We are going to attend the opening ceremony of A. Mary's and her sister's new boutique this Saturday.

We are going to attend the opening ceremony of A. Mary's (new boutique) and her sister's new boutique this Saturday.
因為是一樣的, 所以就可以省去了...
-We are going to attend the opening ceremony of Mary's new boutique this Saturday.
-We are going to attend the opening ceremony of her sister's new boutique this Saturday.
不過如果你用B.的話, 第一句就解不通了~We are going to attend the opening ceremony of Mary this Saturday.Mary 是不會有開幕式, 只有她的商店才有啊!所以, 這裡應用”Mary’s”, 不是”Mary”…

2. B. Mr. Chou's and her wife's offices are on the different floors.
首先, 我認為個答案應是"B. Mr. Chou's and his wife's offices "
因為"Mr. Chou是男性, 所以應是his 而不是 her"
因為'Mr. Chou' & 'Mrs. Chou' 共有2間Office, 所以應用有S的, 而不是用單數的Office!!

[A. a two weeks' holiday] is correct!!
但是如果該名詞是眾數, 直接連接的話, 就會冇個S了...
因為會好怪, 所以當['S]要連接眾數的名詞的話, 我們就應把[']放最後, 少寫一個S了...
two weeks 中的 week 應用眾數的"weeks"
如果直接連接的話就變成['weeks's], 好怪, 所以是錯的...
正確的就是" weeks' ", 才可以表示2星期[的]啊!!!

2010-08-08 12:28:21 補充:
In Q3, which is "a two weeks' holiday'' , can i write it as "a two-week holiday"?
Differences between them:
其實 "a two weeks' holiday'' & " a two-week holiday"的中文意思都是"一個2星期的假期".

2010-08-08 12:42:30 補充:
"a two weeks' holiday"
>這裡的"two weeks"是名詞所以要加上['S]使中文意思上出現[的].

"a two-week holiday"
>這裡的[-]把'TWO'&'WEEK'連在一起, 這樣在英文文法上會使" two-week "變成形容詞(adj.).
因為是adj.所以中文意思的[的]已經隱藏在內, 不用再加['S]....

2010-08-08 12:42:46 補充:
*注意: 用[-]把字連接使它成為adj.一般會是數字(e.g. two/five, etc...)再加名詞.
而且, 即使是眾數都不會再有[S]啊!!
就好似"two weeks"(Noun ph)咁, 冇[-]時有[S], 但有[-]時就冇[s], 變成" two-week"(形容詞)
參考: ME..好長...希望你明白&可以幫到你..., ME...希望你明白LA~
2010-08-07 3:02 am
We are going to attend the opening ceremony of Mary's and her sister's new
boutiquethis Saturday.

Mr. Chou's and her wife's offices are on the different floors.
參考: own

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