
2010-08-06 10:38 pm
註冊一間新成立的有限公司, 需要提交M&A予公司註冊處。
依公司註冊處的指引, M&A必需經公司一名創辦成立核實為真實副本。

問題: 如何核實?

本人曾兩度成立有限公司, 都是交由會計師行代辨,作為公司創辦人的我, 從未作過核實的動作, 所以很不明白。

回答 (3)

2010-08-07 12:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
It really means the M & A has to be duly signed by the subscriber and his signature has to be witnessed by another person. In this case, that person maybe the limited company managed by your CPA.

You can also see this page in the printed M & A after its incorporation clearly stating out that the signing by the subscriber is duly witnessed by a person or a limited company ( legal person ) with his address being stated as well.

2010-08-11 10:12:15 補充:
依公司註冊處的指引, M&A必需經公司一名創辦成立 核實為真實副本 。 There is no such requirement for a certified copy of the M & A to be filed. It only means a printed copy of the M & A duly executed be filed. Please check it again.
2010-08-08 9:40 pm
點解不找秘書公司或會計師或律師幫忙呢? 他們有教我給help全套成立公司的。

由律師或cpa或高級銀行staff加簽便可,我找的secretaryfirm有此service inculded。

核實就其實是在他們面前簽名,而他們再加簽。因為很多機構怕fake sign。

核證為真實副本呢? 就是他們在副本上加簽,如certified ture copy
參考: 原創資料,版權所有,複製必究
2010-08-07 6:54 pm

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