請幫忙交功課!! minimum wage最低工資的利與弊

2010-08-06 8:00 am
請幫忙交功課!! minimum wage最低工資的利與弊 , 從經濟角度

請用英文內容!! thanks!

回答 (1)

2010-08-09 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Minimum wage has the following advantages:

1) Government can gain reputation
2) Political party can gain support from citizens
3) If workers' salaries are just below minimum wage, they may get some increment in salaries.

Minimum wage has the following disadvantages:

1) The uncompetitive labor will face competition from those who have more competitive power, those uncompetitive labor will lose their jobs

2) The companies may need to cut labor in order to survive especially those companies with weak financial performance or just break-even in their results

3) More labor will lose their jobs and then they will apply social security. The government expenditure will then increase and will uplift the tax. This is unfair to tax payers

4) The overall competitiveness of Hong Kong will therefore reduced due to the minimum wage.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:30:18
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