whats your favorite food combination?

2010-08-06 1:21 am
i wanna know good food combination. (i don't know why I'm asking, just bored). so like maybe you like apple with peanut which is really good or you do drinks combination. i just wanna know whats good for you.

回答 (10)

2010-08-06 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Smoked paprika on potatoes, fries or salmon
Peanut butter and oreos
Peanut butter mixed in cottage cheese
Fried chicken and syrup
Rice w/honey
Mashed potatoes and ketchup
Cinnamon, sweet potatoes and salt
2010-08-06 11:19 am
chocolate and pb
2010-08-06 8:51 am
I know this sounds GROSS but TRUST me on this one - go to Wendy's, order a Frosty and a small order of fries. Dip your fries into your Frosty as opposed to ketchup.

Send me an e-mail and thank me when you're finished.

參考: Personal experience. *jumps in car Dukes of Hazard style and speeds off to closest Wendy's*
2010-08-06 8:36 am
betta then sex.
2010-08-06 8:33 am
well i made a pizza the other night and thats a pretty classic combination of foodss.
i made fresh dough from scratch and then went on to make the sauce from scratch by roasting tomatoes and onions with olive oil in the oven. when those were done i put it in a blender with garlic and basil and olive oil and made a verryy yummy sauce. put that sauce on the fresh pizza dough added some mozzarella cheese and tomatoes on top put in the oven. added some fresh basil when finished and served
now thats a GREAT combination ;)
2010-08-06 8:30 am
What I like and what's good for me are two different things!
I like peanut butter and chocolate
I like a rib eye steak and baked sweet potato
Lots of combinations I like would be hard to nail down just one.
Now for a combination that I like and is good for me..Greek yogurt and fresh fruit.

Hey Chocolate Lemon..do you mean the pie had all those ingredients?
2010-08-06 8:29 am
I love dim sum and Chinese tea, which are a perfect match.
參考: I live in Hong Kong
2010-08-06 8:26 am
I made a Chicken, Apple, Cheese, Coconut Cream PIE the other night. It was SOOO Good!!! I also like pasta, peas, and cheese mixed together. mmmmmmmmmmmm
2010-08-06 8:26 am
Passion tea and lemonade is delicious when it's chilled.
Peanut butter on rice cakes are also very good.
2010-08-06 8:24 am
Pinto Beans and yellow corn and corn bread
參考: 75 years

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