一D Econ 題目!!!!

2010-08-06 2:47 am
1) Compared to a command economy, a market- oriented economy has

A.a less even income distribution
B.keener competition for goods and services
C.more production guided by price signals
D no problem of scarcity
(HKCEE 2004 Q4)
2) Which of the following statements is a correct description of a market-oriented economy?

A. Most resources are privately owned
B. All economic problems are solved by the price mechanism
C. Income is less evenly distributed than in a command economy
D There is no non-price competition
( HKCEE 2005 Q8)

3) In a market economy, which of the following are guided by price signals?
(1) resource allocation
(2) production decisions
(3) consumption decisions

B(1), (3)
C (2), (3)
D (1),(2),(3)
( HKCEE 2006 Q4)

回答 (2)

2010-08-06 10:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案




2010-08-06 23:09:19 補充:
Price mechanism (價/市格機制) or market-based mechanism means a wide variety of ways to match up buyers and sellers through price rationing. 即係用市價去湊合生產者和消費者以達到分配社會的資源的機制或方法。當一個願以某一價格去買一物品的人遇上一個願以同一價格提供該物品的人, 就可完成交易, 即達成了一次分配社會的資源的活動。 亞當斯密稱這為<無形之手>去分配社會的資源。 price mechanism 的對立是由政府去決定如何分配社會的資源。

2010-08-06 23:09:30 補充:
A price signal (價格訊號) is a message sent to consumers and producers in the form of a price charged for a commodity; this is seen as indicating a signal for producers to increase supplies and/or consumers to reduce demand. 即係價低就多了人買和少了人生產, 價高就少了人買和多了人生產, 這樣就可以由市塲的所有參與者集體去決定如何分配社會的資源。

2010-08-06 23:09:40 補充:
Price signal is a part of the price mechanism. They usually exist at the same time.




2010-08-07 17:09:51 補充:
因為profit 下降, 所以價低就少了人生產。 例如, 一個生產者生產一張椅的成本為10元, 市價可售20元, 他就賺10元。 若價格降到15元, 他只可賺5元。 但是市塲上還有其他的生產者, 但他的生產成本可能是16元, 他就不會再生產這種椅子了, 所以<價低就少了人生產>。 profit = revenue-cost。 即二人的profit 為15-10=5, 和15-16=-1。 profit < 0 就不會生產了。

2010-08-08 12:50 am

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