✔ 最佳答案
拆哂d銀行同財務欠債 / 追數信, 攞哂d資料. 再寫封信俾所有債權銀行 / 財務 (格式如下):
Dear Sir,
Re: Mr. Le Le Panda - AEON Loan A/c no. 4919191919191919
As the present occupier of this address I hereby notify you that the aforementioned person does not reside in this address. Neither I nor any current occupier of this address have any means of contacting him, nor do we have any forwarding information about him.
I hereby demand that you cease immediately to deliver all communications in whatever form of whatsoever nature intended for the above-named to my address, including, but not limited to, personal visits to my address by your employees, representatives, agents and / or any other persons associated with you not mentioned herewith.
Failure to do so will result in my taking legal action against you for harassement. I also reserve the right to claim damages against you for any losses, both actual and inferred, which may arise due to actions of harassement by your employees, agents, representatives and / or any other persons associated with you not mentioned herewith.
Your immediate acknowledgement of my demands is expected.
Yours faithfully,
Ms. Ying Ying Panda
寄哂俾所有銀行 / 財務的法律部 (唔好寄去信用卡中心或收數公司. 唔知地址就打去總機問), 叫佢停止行動. 呢招幾有效.
如果成日有人找上門, 就貼張通告在大門:
有關: 欠債人 - 熊貓樂樂
上述人仕不在此地址居住. 現居住客亦無此人之任何通信 / 聯絡資料.
任何人仕登門欲找尋上述人仕, 均會被視為刑事滋擾, 將被送警究冶.
可在家放部相機. 若有人拍門而有後生仔在家, 一開門就影個收數佬相. 佢地最怕上鏡 (如果佢搶相機就報警).