
2010-08-05 3:49 am

回答 (2)

2010-08-10 3:53 am
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書名: 一生受用的公式

作者: 沃特金斯

出版社: 天下文化

。三角形:全三角形的三角內和是180度/3.14..........,二维图形 ,三维图形 ,
解析几何 ,直角三角学 ,三角恒等式 ,球面三角学――天与地的公式 判别式与抛线 ,
,指数与对数――增长与衰变 均值与概率, 组合与排列 ,统计学 ,开普勒与牛顿定律,
,重力与抛体 能量、功与动量 ,转动与平衡 ,简谐运动 ,应力、应变与热 温度、
压强、流动, 谐波与呼啸而过的警报器 ,折射、透镜、相对论, 电与电荷 ,电荷、通量、左右手定则, 微积分 ,复数――进入虚数王国 ,更高维度

讀後感想 :我看完這本書後,明白了數學公式的用法。
我知了數學公式的用法 ! 數學公式的用法 ! 數學公式的用法 ! 數學公式的用法 ! 數學公式的用法 ! 數學公式的用法 !
Certificate name: lifetime formulas
Author: Watkins press: world culture
Content intro: lifetime formulas gathered about dimensions, volume, surface and ball formulas of the body; Jimmy Ho wheel and sliding wheel, gravity, force, through the glasses, electromagnetic, flow of the body, gaseous equation; there are arrange combinations, statistical, micro-ç © 分 and high vitamin formula space. In addition, important Trad intro, Digital Science physics often digital and metric units conversion tables 。 Triangle: a triangle triangular Hollings and is 180 degrees/3.14 ... ..., 2D graphics, 3D graphics, Analytic geometry, right triangle trigonometry, identities, spherical trigonometry – heaven and Earth of discriminant and throws the formula, , Indices and logarithms, growth and decay, the combination of means and probability, statistics, and arrangement of Kepler and Newton's laws, , Gravity and projectile energy, power and momentum, rotation and balance, KX, heat stress, strain and temperature, Pressure, flow, harmonic and the roar of the alarm, refraction, lens, relativity, electric and electric charge, charge, flux, set the left and right hand, calculus, plural – into the imaginary Kingdom, higher dimensions
After you feel: I read this book after book, see the usage of digital science formula. I cicada digital science formula of usage! DVD: the formula of usage! DVD: the formula of usage! DVD: the formula of usage! DVD: the formula of usage! DVD: the formula of usage!
2010-08-05 5:02 am

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