
2010-08-04 11:11 pm
題目:Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

My family______________________(be)very busy during the coming weekend. i________________(visit)Grandpa and Grandma on lamma island this saturday.
Mum__________________________(go)shopping with aunt julie on sunday.Dad
______________________(travel)to Macau with his friendsthis weekend.Uncle
Sam_________________________(work)in his office this sunday.My cousins ken and joe______________________________(play)in the inter-school football matches on saturday.My sister ann_________________________(stay)at her friend
home for the weekend.Lastly, our dog bob_____________________(be)with his
girlfriend mimi next door.What a busy family!

回答 (3)

2010-08-04 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) shall be very busy.....
2) shall visit......
3) will go shopping......
4) will travel to Macau
5) will work in his.....
6) will play in the inter......
7) will stay at her.....
8) will be with his.....
參考: nil
2010-08-11 6:21 pm


2010-08-04 11:26 pm
題目:Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

My family will be(be)very busy during the coming weekend. i will visit(visit)Grandpa and Grandma on lamma island this saturday.
Mum will go(go)shopping with aunt julie on sunday.Dad
will travel(travel)to Macau with his friends this weekend.Uncle
Sam will work(work)in his office this sunday.My cousins ken and joe will play(play)in the inter-school football matches on saturday.My sister ann will stay(stay)at her friend
home for the weekend.Lastly, our dog bob will be(be)with his
girlfriend mimi next door.What a busy family!

Hope this can help you!!

2010-08-04 15:28:23 補充:
All of the answers are using future tense because of the words "coming weekend".
Hope I can help!!
參考: MYSELF, Myself

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