
2010-08-04 9:54 pm


回答 (1)

2010-08-05 3:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
On the 2nd of July, 1967 it seemed their worst nightmare had come true. Colgate’s satellite picked up a huge burst of gamma rays. A nuclear bomb signal that you’d expect to see from a test in space of a nuclear weapon would be first a pulse, smaller pulse, then followed by some time a much bigger pulse and these two pulses are the primary and the secondary.But the telltale signal was not from any nuclear bomb. It was from something far, far bigger, something of incomprehensible size.I was blown away, totally, completely blown away. My, my God, what the hell are they seeing out there?And the signals just kept on coming. Something out there was causing huge explosions blasting out deadly gamma rays.No one really knew quite what to make of it and there were, there were preposterous ideas bandied around for a while that even these were interstellar star wars going on and we were seeing the, the phaser blasts that missed their target, or that comets were annihilating with anti-comets or little black holes were evaporating. People didn’t quite know what to make of it.The journey that would one day lead science back into the cosmic Dark Age had begun. Astronomers were baffled. They had no idea what was causing these bursts. The most likely cause, they thought, was some kind of exploding star, but to be sure they turned to no less an authority than Einstein and to one of the most fundamental of all - the laws of physics/E = MC^2. This famous equation underpins many of our assumptions about how the universe works. It puts a limit on the size of any explosion. Nothing can explode with more energy than is contained in its mass, so if some kind of star really was the source of these gamma ray bursts then E = MC^2 would tell you how big the explosions could be.(continued..)

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