
2010-08-04 7:53 pm
complete the following table:-


1.ABILITY ______ _________ ________

2.______ ______ _________ knowingly

3.attention ______ _________ ________

4._______ ______ dangerous ________

5._______ ______ hard ________

6._______ act __________ ________

7._______ appear __________ ________

8.correction ______ __________ ________

9._______ ______ wonderful ________

10.______ ______ soft ________

11.______ strengthen __________ ________

12.______ _______ advisable ________

13.sharpness _______ __________ ________

14.______ _______ waem ________

15.______ _______ useful ________

16.______ _______ __________ pleasantly

17.______ care __________ ________

18.______ _______ cheerful ________

19.______ comfort __________ ________

20.______ ________ __________ enjoyably

21.______ sleep __________ ________

22.______ widen __________ ________

23.______ direct _________ ________

24.______ _________ _________ bloodily

25.______ ________ _________ freely

26.______ _________ deaf _________

27.______ ________ long __________

28.______ agree _________ __________

29.______ _______ beautiful __________

30.______ deepen _________ __________

31.______ _______ foolish __________

32.______ _______ different _________

33.help _______ _________ _________

回答 (3)

2010-08-05 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. ABILITY enable able ably

2 knowledge know known knowingly
knowing is normally an adjective. e.g. a knowing smile

3. attention attend attentive attentively

4. danger endanger dangerous dangerously

5 hardness harden hard hard
WARNING: hardly is not the adverb of the adjective “hard”.
Hardly means “almost not”. Hardly is an adverb.
e.g. I hardly know her.
Hard can be an adjective and adverb.
e.g. He is a hard worker. (hard is an adjective)
He works hard. (hard is an adverb)

6 action act active actively

7 appearance appear apparent apparently

8. correction correct correct correctly
correctness is also a noun.

9. wonder wonder wonderful wondefully

10 softness soften soft softly

11 strength strengthen strong strongly

12 advice advise advisable advisably

13. sharpness sharpen sharp sharply

14 warmth warm warm warmly

15 use/usage/usefulness use useful usefully

16 pleasure please pleasantly pleasantly

17 care/carefulness care careful carefully

18. cheerfulness cheer cheerful cheerfully

19 comfort comfort comfortable comfortably

20 joy enjoy enjoyable enjoyably

21 sleep sleep sleepy sleepily

22 width widen wide widely

23 direction direct directive directively

24 blood bleed bloody bloodily

25 freedom free free freely

26 deafness deafen deaf _________
deafening (adjective), deafeningly (adverb)

27 length lengthen long long
"long" can be a verb, but it means differently.
Long (verb) - want something very much.

28 agreement agree agreeable agreeably

29 beauty beautify beautiful beautifully

30 depth deepen deep deeply

31. foolishness fool foolish foolishly
fool (noun)

32 difference differ different differently

33. help help helpful helpfully

2010-08-05 11:50:07 補充:
23 direction, direct, direct, directly
directively (no such word). I apologize.
2010-08-05 2:08 am

1.ABILITY _be_____ __able_______ _ably_______

2._knowing_____ _know_____ __known_______ knowingly

3.attention _attend_____ __attentive_______ _attentively_______

4._danger______ _endanger_____ dangerous _dangerously_______

5._hardening______ _harden_____ hard _hardly_______

6._acting______ act ___active_______ _actively_______

7._apperance______ appear _apparent_________ _apparently_______

8.correction _correct_____ _corrective_________ _correctly_______

9._wondering______ _wonder_____ wonderful wonderfully________

10._softening_____ _soften_____ soft _softly_______

11._strength_____ strengthen _strenuous_________ strenuously________

12._advice_____ advise_______ advisable _advisedly______

13.sharpness _sharpen______ _sharp_________ _sharply_______

14._warmth_____ _warm______ warm _warmly_______

15._usage_____ _use______ useful _usefully_______

16._pleasantness_____ _please______ _pleasant_________ pleasantly

17._care/carefulness_____ care ___careful_______ _carefully_______

18._cheerfulness_____ _cheer______ cheerful _cheerfully_______

19._comforting_____ comfort _comfortable_________ _comfortably_______

20._enjoyment_____ _enjoy_______ __enjoyable________ enjoyably

21._sleeping_____ sleep _sleepy_________ _sleepily_______

22._width_____ widen _wide_________ _widely_______

23._direction_____ direct _directive________ _directly_______

24._blood_____ _bleed________ _bloody________ bloodily

25._freedom_____ _free_______ _free________ freely

26._deafness_____ _deafen________ deaf _deafly________

27._long_____ _long_______ long _long_________

28._agreement_____ agree _agreeable________ _agreed_________

29._beauty_____ _beautify______ beautiful _beautifully_________

30._deep_____ deepen _deep________ _deeply_________

31._fool_____ _fool_____ foolish _foolishly_________

32._difference_____ _differ______ different _differently________

33.help _help______ _help________ _help________

2010-08-04 18:10:07 補充:
3.help _help______ _helpful________ _helpfully________
2010-08-04 10:19 pm
1.ABILITY of both are well

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