
2010-08-04 8:27 am
Heregularly followed up at GI OPD and medication control

acid regurgitation,exertional dyspnea,malise

He was admitted for liver CTA and PES examination

回答 (1)

2010-08-04 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
他規則的再腸胃科門診 (Gastrointestinal outpatient department) 追蹤以及藥物控制

胃酸逆流, 運動性呼吸困難, 身體不適

安排他住院接受肝臟電腦斷層血管攝影 (Computed tomographic angiography) 及 胃鏡檢查 (Panendoscopy examination)
參考: Me~ Doctor

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