副學士 yr 2credit transfer去U yr 2

2010-08-04 7:57 am
我想問清楚咩叫credit transfer ar?
我之前問過下大學學生 佢地話副學士yr 2 唔夠credit transfer 就分分鐘入唔到大學的yr 2 咁姐係點呀?係咪唔夠credit transfer 就唔收?
我asso 讀ge courses 我又點知大學邊D認可可以transfer?
大學網頁會唔會有講咩大專院校的course 係可以有credit transfer?
我想讀Translate/英文 咁如果我讀所有科都同Translate有關係咪最好?咁英文個到會唔會唔夠credit transfer?

我真係好擔心讀完因為咁入唔到大學呀... 唔該大家幫幫忙~

咁我有無方法可以知我自己夠唔夠credit? 因為我想入返yr 2...

回答 (2)

2010-08-14 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
hope you do not mind me answering the question in English. If you are going to study in PolyU, all teaching will be in English anyway.

Take myself as an example. I studied MSc in Management in PolyU. One of the subjects that I had to take was Accounting for Managers. However, I previously completed a subject called Accounting and Finance at MBA level in another university. Since these two subjects are very similar and are both at Masters level, I applied for CREDIT TRANSFER and submitted the syllabus of Accounting and Finance to PolyU for assessment. They approved my application to transfer the credit of this subject to PolyU. Therefore, I did not have to take Accounting for Managers and I ended up in taking one subject less.

Now, suppose you took an accounting subject at BBA level. Since this is at Bachelors level and even if it is very similar to Accounting for Managers in the MSc, you may only apply for CREDIT EXEMPTION and submit the syllabus of your accounting subject to PolyU for assessment. If they approve your application, you will be exempted from taking Accounting for Managers but you have to choose another elective subject instead. Therefore, you still take the same number of subjects.

To sum up what I have said, CREDIT TRANSFER is normally for Masters students. If they have taken the same subject at Masters level before and their application is approved, they will take one subject less.

CREDIT EXEMPTION is for any other students. If they have taken the same subject at Bachelors level before and their application is approved, they do not have to take that subject but have to take another elective subject instead.
2010-08-13 8:10 am
唔夠credit去讀degree yr2, 無話唔可以轉讀yr 1喎...
可以轉yr 1再exempt某啲科嘅

2010-08-18 00:06:41 補充:
你報返本校? 去registrar office問就知

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