2010-08-04 2:12 am
The basic admission requirements for the Master of Statistics are: a Bachelor's degree with honours of this University; or another qualification of equivalent standard from this University or from another University or comparable institution. Applicants should have knowledge of matrices and calculus.


回答 (2)

2010-08-18 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
我就真係唔係好明, stat既本科學生仲點解要讀一個本地既master in statistics
無論HKU MStat又好, CU MSc Data Sci又好, 個課程設計, 都係俾non-stat major既人.
難度都係undergrad year 3既難度, 最多難多好少少.
如果一個stat major去讀, 唔係話學唔到野, 只係學到好少;
除非好似有D大學咁, 本科果陣一科major根本學唔夠料; 唔係條數真係唔係好抵計.

另, 科大的MSc Mathematics (Fin. Math & Stat) 係以financial mathematics為主
Statistics既重少好多; 取錄和課程難度亦高於上述兩個課程.
與其當佢係一個stat既master, 當佢係一個financial engineering既master合理好多.
而CU MSc RMS據聞基本上幾睇工作經驗的.

2010-08-16 1:47 am
Most Local Universities require your degree with 2nd Hon or Upper.

If you are from US or Canada, make sure your overall GPA is higher than 3.3

If you are from Australia, it depends on your degree is a 3year ordinary degree or 4 year hon degree.

Also, the entry of local U master programme sometimes need the result of GMAT.

But it really depends on each year competiton, whcih means how many ppl are you competing with.

Finally, well prepared if you have a chance for interview!


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